Posts Tagged: Senior Care
June 3, 2020
Be A “Noticer”: Questions to Ask Assisted Living Providers & Notes to Take Part 2 of 5
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Welcome back! I am excited that you returned for more insight. As a reminder, the questions you will be asking are important, but the reasoning behind WHY you are asking them is most pertinent. With that in mind, we will pick up where we left off. At this point, you have assessed your first impression based on a number of factors in the initial reception. You have drilled down on some[…]
May 23, 2020
Be A “Noticer”: Questions to Ask Assisted Living Providers & Notes to Take Part 1 of 5
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Congratulations and welcome to taking your first steps along the path of navigating senior care. You will find that your efforts to perform due diligence will result in a universally higher quality of life for everyone involved in this process. As your guide, I am committed to delivering knowledge that only a Gerontologist working in the field for 20+ years can obtain. In exchange, all I ask is that you follow[…]
May 17, 2020
“You’re Not Putting ME in a Home” 4/4
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Welcome back to the 4th and final installment of my guide to managing opposition of a loved one needing out of home care. I’m glad you’ve stuck it out, that’s a positive indicator that you are performing due diligence, the cornerstone of success in this journey. As a bit of a recap, to tie everything together. We have discussed the fact that Americans are terrible at being proactive about later-life planning. […]
April 26, 2020
Let Us Be Your Guide On Your Senior Care Journey
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Guilt, Denial, Loss, Grief, Self-doubt, Shame, Disappointment, Confusion, Projection, Cognitive Dissonance, Paranoia, Anger……. FEAR. These are common “companions” for those seeking care for their elderly loved ones. And, unfortunately, because the average American shies away from being proactive about addressing the mortality of their beloved parent or spouse, these “companions” are only amplified in intensity when decisions are being made while facing crisis. Because most begin their search only after a[…]