Posts Tagged: David Hahklotubbe
October 9, 2020
Be a Noticer. Questions to ask Assisted Living Providers, and What to Note. Part 4 of 5
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Huzzah! You must not be suffering from information overload. That’s great. Make sure you pay close attention to this edition which is chocked full of the dark side of the reputation management of the long-term care industry, from a seasoned insider. Ok, now that we have covered some of the fundamentals of what the community offers, how they manage their team and a bit of philosophical approach, let’s dig deeper into[…]
June 3, 2020
Be A “Noticer”: Questions to Ask Assisted Living Providers & Notes to Take Part 2 of 5
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Welcome back! I am excited that you returned for more insight. As a reminder, the questions you will be asking are important, but the reasoning behind WHY you are asking them is most pertinent. With that in mind, we will pick up where we left off. At this point, you have assessed your first impression based on a number of factors in the initial reception. You have drilled down on some[…]
May 8, 2020
“You’re Not Putting ME in a Home!” 2/4
By David Hahklotubbe, gerontologist Welcome back. I am assuming that you’ve decided to forge ahead in reading this series because you have chosen wisely to follow the path of due diligence. To this, I say, congratulations and thank you. The following tips will facilitate a decrease in trauma as your journey unfolds. One major internal barrier that you will undoubtedly struggle with as you walk the path, will be disappointment. As you read my BLOGs[…]